#33 Wait, what about the novel?
Maskat and Jay return, Gumpchat Wednesdays, and a big vote!
If you’ve just joined us, this blog is going through a moment.
So is my life.
And so is yours.
All the time.
If you are one of the 104 people who subscribed in 2021, then you my have read the pilot of my novel. If so, then I assure you Maskat and Jay will come back. They have travelled far and they just need a shower, a joint and a good night’s sleep, before they can tell you about their insane journeys.
The big theme is the war on drugs, and the polarization of perspectives that two friends have after growing up on a tiny island with big dreams. That, sprinkled with secular tensions between christians and muslims, as well as the heavy unpacking of masculinity and mental health.
I have completed the first draft of the story back in May. I’m excited to do the polishing that my characters demand, and to give you the delightful reading pleasure that you deserve. More about this soon.
Over the past few months, my mind has shifted to poetry and I gave the novel a break, and wrote down my first collection of heartbreak poems that I have edited, polished and are going to be available within a few days on this channel.
I have submitted this highly personal project to some publishers and already got my first rejections. Being a writer is hard man. But having this blog and having all of you to write to every week, is the biggest Gumption Booster ever.
Gumption is all about doing the right thing at the right time for a higher quality life. Your presence helps me to continue doing that.
Thanks for being here.
You are incredible.
Your eyes that read these words,
your eyes that keep me accountable, and
your eyes that make me give a fuck about telling my story.
I sometimes feel like this blog is self indulgent. It is definitely a part of my shadow. (see below)
Self indulgence is infectious, we do it all the time, it’s disgusting, it’s glorious, it’s a buzzing feeling that we all tune into and inflate in each other.
Inflation. /ɪnˈfleɪʃn/
The word of the season.
It means that the world is blowing up.
And so are weeeeeeeeeee! 🎈🎈🎈
ASTRONOMY definition of Inflation:
(in some theories of cosmology)
a very briefexponential expansion of the universe postulated to have interrupted the standard linear expansion shortly after the Big Bang.
This blog doesn’t make sense because the world isn’t very sensible these days.
🎉 However my recent travels and posts seems to have done wonders for my subscribers and viewership. Thank god we are past the flatline days of September and October. 🎉
End of self indulgence.
🙋 Poll of The Week
Ok back to work. We have a big vote this week, you and I!
I can’t see who voted what so be honest!
💬 To elaborate please leave a comment, or simply reply to this email.
Gumpchat Wednesday 🎙️
This week I’ll open up a Gumpchat thread about Episode 7 of the Gumpcast: The Shadow.
Some of you may remember this one from last year.
Leave a comment on the post above, or get closer and learn more about Gumpchat where I will post some questions and start some threads about this episode.
Sunday Gratitude 🙏
This week I am grateful for Qi gong with Kseny. Her channel absolutely saves my life everyday.
Get out of your rut, move the blocked energy, drain the excess, get blood and oxygen moving in your veins.
Qigong’s positive effect on mental health is very well studied. It improves depression, anxiety, and a host of other mental health illnesses. You can dig into the data here.
The Artist’s Way ✍️
It has been a heavy post-divorce week so I cut myself a lot of slack.
Morning Pages: — — — ✔️ — — ✔️ —
Dropped Them but still did it twice.
Artist’s Date: ❎
Didn’t do it. I forget how hard it is when I am back home in Egypt.
Craft Updates: ❎
Didn’t do jack shit this week other than write this Sunday update.
My Habits. ❎
This week I have consciously allowed myself a few smokes with old friends, and I have done yoga a couple of times. Otherwise, been eating a lot of sugar and allowing myself all the indulgences as I process an emotionally heavy week. Back to San Francisco next week.
I intend to bring my healthy routine back with me.
Join me on habitshare and let’s keep each other accountable! Download it, add me (shaker118@gmail.com) and share your habits with me.
Poem of the Week 🖋️
Not really a poem, but he’s a fantastic poet and this is from one of his deliciously degenerate novels.
“If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery--isolation. Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And, you'll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds. And it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is.”
― Charles Bukowski, Factotum
More next Sunday,
Yes, being a writer is hard! Welcome to the club, Omar. Rejection is part of it. If we're lucky we find an editor, reviewer, or friend who can teach us how to be better--and encourage and support us along the way. As long as you follow your heart, you are on the path you are meant to be on. Who ever said it has to be easy? Keep going, my friend. I know you will. May this week be one in which you right yourself, center yourself. I'll be thinking of you.