7 things I learned from Gabor Maté
Sensitivity genes, prenatal stress, and a fresh look at depression and addiction
Many try to escape reality by closely following longevity reality TV stars like Huberman, Brian Johnson, and David Sinclair, who have no history of working with people. Unlike these aspirational health gurus, Dr. Gabor Maté (82) stands on decades of practicing medicine, digging into research, and listening to people.
I sometimes wonder why we look up to rich billionaires and their health-crazed routines and yet shrug away the deep trauma work that would make this world a better place. Trauma work is much harder than a PRP shot or downing a supplement, but perhaps there is space for both in this world.
Gabor’s invitation is clear: Genes don’t define our outcomes, and hacks are short-lived. The science points toward emotional roots for physical ailments, driven by stress responses and informed by the memories and traumas that we carry.
As an ex-physician now doing trauma and healing work, his books have offered me both inspiration and a refuge.About a month ago, I decided to go see the man talk. I travelled to San Diego to learn Compassionate Inquiry in a wonderful 4 hour event organized by TCCHE.
Today, I share 7 quick takeaways from his workshop.
After you go through them, choose the one you find most intriguing in the vote below! I’ll dig more into the winning topic and bring you all the research I can find for it!
Look for the vote below.
Announcements and Gratitude Zone:
The kickoff session for my online workshop series, “The STEM Immigrant’s Health Playbook,” was wonderful. I’m blown away by the engagement. Thanks to everyone who showed up! Join us for the next one on Emotional Regulation on March 20th @ 6 pm PST. Save your spot! 3 more workshops left!
Are you in the Bay Area and interested in data-driven health coaching with a deep inner work component for anxiety/depression? Let’s connect and see if we are a good fit
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The podcast season 3 sessions are also coming out very soon! Look out for our email about the premiere!
7 things I learned from Gabor Mate
You know how you sometimes go to watch a rockstar you like, and he turns out to be an asshole? Well, that is gladly NOT the case. Gabor is the real deal, as far as I can observe.
After seeing him answer questions, patiently whisper into people’s ears outside the hall, and the amount of reverence he has to human beings despite all his fame and success (not to mention his incredible writing)- I can say that this man offers me a North Star for my career.
His patience and openness are much needed in today’s world.
Here are some takeaways from his 4 hour seminar
Don’t forget to vote for the most intriguing topic below!
🧐 #1 Health is a quest for the truth.
Something happens along the way to teach us that it’s dangerous to express the truth. Suppression is our way of sacrificing authenticity for validation and attachment. The less we express our emotions, the more we become prone to stress-related diseases. Healing = Authenticity
🍻#2 To quit an addictive behavior, start by asking: What is right about the addiction?
How is it helping me? What am I getting out of it? You’ll find that at the core of it, you’re trying to get a very human unmet need such as relief from pain, safety, or more control/agency. That shows you where the healing needs to start.
🙊 #3 Depression and ADHD are just normal responses
Vincent Felipe’s Ace studies with Kaiser show that what we call abnormal conditions such as Depression, autoimmune diseases, ADHD, and others, are just really ‘normal responses to abnormal societal conditions.’
💔#4 Our need for validation starts when our parent looks away
As children, when our parents feel bad or break eye contact with us after a behavior, we internalize that as “I am not good enough”. That leads us to chase validation from the world.
🤫 #5 We have to recover our ability to ask for help
We are all born with the ability to ask for help, but something happens along the way to stop us from doing that.
🤰#6 Prevention starts in Prenatal visits
When moms are stressed, children are stressed.
🧬 #7 There is a sensitivity gene
ADHD and Schizophrenia are not genetic diseases. They are a factor of the environment. However, being sensitive IS a genetic trait, and yet we see it as a weakness.
So glad that this work is in the world, and the thousands of people thirsty for a new way of being are clear from his own success.
If you’ve learned anything from Gabor Mate that helped you on your journey, drop it in the comments 👇