Alas…I have found it.
Thank you Google Maps.
I am indeed ‘Done’ and yes…
I can see how drained my battery is.
Thank you, dearest reader, for hanging in there with me through all the ups, downs, and wild turns and curves of the year.
After 396 days on the road since October of 2023, I am…home. I am now settled in San Rafael in a real home, and my boat and nomadic phase is finally over and I can fully focus on building this company and publishing my book this year.
A Thing Capable People Forget
Sometimes, we need a friend to help us find our way back to who we are and remind us of our vision. That friend to me was V, who offered me to live with her mom, Pilar, who is my amazing and loving new roommate.
I am now feeling safe in a beautiful home, can comfortably afford to pay for my share, and feel like I can contribute back to her generosity with many sorts of contributions beyond that monetary exchange.
I have been busy settling in the past 2 months: getting my US board certification as a Health and Wellness Practitioner (yay me!), fighting a bunch of really old demons in my head (nay ye!), clobbering with a treacherous flu, revisiting my depression, and finally getting back into shape at the gym.
I am so ready to bid this year farewell!
I am ready to turn off my screens…
and turn my attention to those who are important to me.
Who is important in your life? Who feels effortless to be around? Who makes you laugh from the bottom of your belly? Who reminds you of your vision?
As I shimmy this long comical and rough 2024 away, I am also excited to announce a new location that I have been preparing for the upcoming year to see clients.
My new clinic for The Human Dash
is not a brick-and-mortar office…
but it is not a virtual clinic either….
It is a Mongolian yurt.
It is hand-painted by a nomadic tribe that lives far away…
and built with so much care and intention.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the happy new yurt that I have been preparing with so much effort and intention, and it is now ready to host my clients for 1-on-1 sessions.

It is ready for you if you are ready for it, and me, and an added twist of nature that the SF Marina office doesn’t provide.
I will be offering a one day private retreat that will include
farm-to-table meals
1-on-1 health and wellness coaching (farm style)
Biomarker analysis
Hikes around goats and chickens
Sauna and hot plunge add-on!
Reply to this email or comment ‘interested’ if you are in the Bay Area and are looking to come out and spend a day of recovery with me.
Can you guess where this yurt is located?
If you have been reading my emails this year, then you’ll be able to figure it out!
Much love, more on this yurt project later, a long update about everything we’ve done on the podcast project soon (and Season 3 episodes coming very soon), and many great health, burnout, and longevity essays coming at you in 2025.
I wish you rest, rejuvenation and reconnection with your loved ones this week.