
What is most present for me is the warrior archetype, because I want to keep writing everyday and making sure something is posted every week despite the growth of our readership or the engagement we get! I lose some battles but I am in it for the long haul 🎖️

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This is not an entry, as that would be highly unethical. But, I did want to answer the question. What's most present for me these days really depends on the context but I'd say the archetypes that I am connecting with the most these days are:

magician: going into the caves, using meditation, ritual, reflection, and movement to gain understanding of the present

king: to be more decisive based on hard (and often painfully) earned experience as we set out for this next phase of life.

and I'll pull from the Jung circle: Everyman: as I'm moving from warrior/lover dominant to magician/king dominant, I'm leaning further into a sense of belonging with others.

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