Thank you, Omar!

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Oh Lord don't let me be misunderstood...

I really get that: a few years aag:I was in cashier line in a restaurant when I accidentally pumped into a man, happened to be a black guy, in front of me. But before he had a chance to react, I softly tapped on his shoulder and said I'm so sorry. He suddenly turned and again I said I'm so sorry. But to my surprise and others around us, he started yelling that I assaulted him. I was so shocked and embarrassed but no matter how many times I said I'm sorry it didn't seem helping. I finally moved to another line and that seemed to cool him down.

I like the Animal's song although the Nina Simon's version really expresses my feeling at the time:


Good write.

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If mine is a good write, then yours is a great response Senior Atta.

This was incredible to read Atta, thank you so much for reflecting this and your "Thank you" is such an incredibly powerful response. Also Nina Simon's version is so on point! When I think of what Black people have been through, I realize that whatever happened 40 or 50 or even 200 years ago is nothing compared to our evolution. That helps me understand that if a black person seems agitated "more than usual" or "paranoid", it's honestly the least s/he can do when we look at our very recent history.

It is very well documented that trauma is passed on through generations and stored in the body, and black people have a lot to digest and heal from just a few decades ago. This song by Billie Holliday around the history of lynching is a small and beautiful reminder of what these reactions come from: https://open.spotify.com/track/1CTex49P0iWwzUGsMNjgaV?si=4a2ca56e21ff44c3

We have to honor that, and your Thank you Atta is so on point. Like Thank you to every black person for carrying a huge part of humanity's suffering in their genes, and move to the next line in the queue.

The Thank you is equally a confrontation. Just a non aggressive one, and a very powerful and understanding one.

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