Jun 12, 2021Liked by Omar Shaker

I was coming here to write that I can't think of a revenge film, and then realized that 'See You Up There' kinda is, and it's great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMTyn_fKjCM So yeah, that! :)

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looks really cool! Reminds me of Inglorious bastards which is also an awesome revenge movie. Ill check this one out thanks Gene!

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I saw this insane movie out of Korea years ago: "I Saw The Devil". Not for the weak stomach but such a feel good one, from a justice served perspective. Also I've heard of this classic revenge trilogy from Korea, could be related to the ones mentioned already.

And [SPOILER ALERT] finally Handmaid's Tale, after this last season, I'd definitely put that show in the revenge genre

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A little movie out of mainland Korea, I believe it is called young boy or something like that 😝

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Ahhh classic! How was the American rendition? Did you watch it? https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0364569/

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Oh yeah I heard it was so much better 🙃

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The Prestige

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Khaled beat me to the punch. Here's another: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Bear_(Black_Mirror)

Hard to say favorite about things that make you feel a little sick for how dark they are. That's the case here.

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Nice haven't heard about that one. Interesting point you raise about the sickness and the darkness. Sounds like you'll enjoy the next series of podcast episodes we have lined up the next 3 Sundays ;)

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