Thank you for continuing to share your journey and for asking thought-provoking questions, Omar. What do I need to let go of? Where do I start? For one thing--and I know this may sound trivial to some--I need to let go of my negative attitude toward wrinkles. I'm not kidding! This makes me think of Nora Ephron's hilarious take on this subject, "I Feel Bad About My Neck." At least I know I'm not alone. I will try to work on shifting my attitude this week. Wish me luck.

As for your question on the direction of your blog, which I love just as it is, I think you need to follow your heart. Instead of writing either/or, can you write both/and? What will feed your stomach as well as your soul? The only one who can tell you, is you.

Thanks as always for all you do. You sweeten my week and always give me something to appreciate and reflect on.

I am sorry for your pain. I cannot imagine how hard finalizing your divorce was for you. I do know that the end of a relationship, painful as it is and much as we fight it, can be a stepping stone to positive things if we're patient, resilient, and open enough. I predict this will be true for you, my friend. I look forward to hearing more next Sunday.

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I’m with Eve on this one. Follow your heart. Or, as Carlos Castaneda says, ask if this path has a heart for you. Perhaps the side of you that loves things being data driven wants to be included somehow? You know I’m into health optimization. Can’t wait to see what you create!

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Thanks Gabe. Yes I can't wait to discuss with you what I'm thinking of. The HumanDash concept is still growing inside of me and I think you're right...more (and very strong) parts want to be included. They are threatening to start their own blog if I don't 😅

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Eve thanks for always hitting back with even deeper thoughtfulness and vulnerability. I find so much solace in your comments and nourishment. I love Nora Ephrons tongue in cheek style of writing. Have you ever read Heart Burn? It's so good. The audio book is read by Meryl Streep and is absolutely delightful.

As a guy in his 30s, even I get self conscious about getting old. A wrinkle here, a grey hair there, and slighter hair makes me feel self conscious about eventual baldness.

It is so strange how these thoughts come up regardless of how old we are and I salute your courage to let them go and to live your life with less cognitive overload. May that make space for what is most important in your life!

Thank you for the well wishes my friend...I am excited to write more for you.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Omar Shaker

My friend! Or should I say “my trigger”. Thank you for always triggering me with your questions.

Letting go of old ways is my biggest challenge and I’ve committed to not give up on it. Today I find myself in a path in which I am given the opportunity to evolve and I’m looking for the strength I need to make it by acting differently. Go Agus!

PS: remember you have a whole team behind you these days. Go Omar!

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Agusssssssss ✨❤️ Go Agus! Go Agus! You -literally!- had my back. I hope my triggers are as gentle and as healing as your actions were for me. I am also happy to hear your journey and not ask many questions. Thanks for being here and for being the kind of radiant star that you are for everyone around you.

You have lots of strength and I believe in you. Good luck with the changes and here is a gentle triggering reminder that you got it!

Thanks for being here it means the world to me.

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