Have you ever had a bully? Have you ever bullied someone? Have you ever gotten revenge on your bullies?
Bullying is something almost all of us have experienced in some way growing up, either as the bully or the bullied. This topic has gotten a lot of attention in the public discourse over the last few years. The weapons are not just fists and physical intimidation anymore. With the internet comes more ways a bully can try to assert dominance or inflict shame upon another. And the impacts can be devastating, and in some cases the damage is permanent.
In this episode we talk about:
The origin story of Maskat’s bullying experience
How Omar reclaimed power after an experience with his own bully
We introduce the topic of revenge and its purpose when it comes to bullies
Looking back whether you were bullied, or were a bully, how have you processed these experiences years later?
Ep06. The Takeover [1/2] w/ Omar Shaker